Five Easy Steps to Maintaining a Clean Bedroom

During our One Clean Home campaign the number one question/frustration that was expressed to us about bedrooms was how to actually KEEP it clean. So today we are going to talk about a few simple steps we have acquired over the years that help us to maintain a clean bedroom on a day-to-day basis. We are definitely not perfect at these steps, but they are what we strive for and the days that we do accomplish each step we feel SO much better and love having a clean space to snuggle up in at the end of a long day.


Similar Bed Frame Link HERE | Beddy's Beds Link HERE

Step One: Make Your Bed

Like right when you wake up! There are actually so many studies that show the benefits of making your bed each morning. It leads to better productivity, lowers your stress and improves your mood, and encourages you to keep the rest of your room tidy are just a few that come to mind. I don't know about you, but I want ALL of those things in my life!

One thing I have done to make making the bed so much more of a practical and easy endeavor is switch over to Beddy's Beds. You guys I can't even tell you how in love I am with my Beddy's. They are literally slowly taking over every bed in our house, and for good reason! A while ago I talked about how much we loved them on our kids' bunk beds (you can see that post HERE) and I told you that I wanted to get them for our bed... Well, we did it! And are absolutely loving it. I didn't know if my husband would be totally on board, but he actually is loving it just as much as me. He loves that we can make our bed in literally four seconds and how soft and cozy, yet lightweight it is. He also loves that we get our sheet, bedspread, blanket, and pillow covers all in one haul! We are all about one stop shops over here.

If you have been thinking about purchasing a Beddy's Beds I have fabulous news for you. You can use the code: CLEAN20to receive 20% off your purchase! We love a good deal and are so excited to have this code available for you guys.

Step Two: Simplify

We have said it once, and we will say it again... The less you have, the easier it is to keep clean! Set a day aside on your calendar to go through and de-junk your bedroom. Pull out everything from all drawers and closets and really decide what you need and what you don't. Take the "don't need" pile and sell it or donate it! You will feel so refreshed and I can promise you that it will be so much easier to keep your room clean with less clutter!


Step Three: Throw Away ALL Papers You Don't Need and Put The Ones You Do Need In A File or Sheet Protector

Papers, papers, and more papers... They are never ending which makes it so easy to have giant piles lying all over your nightstands and dresser. If it is a coupon you "might" use or a bill that you need to pay. Trash it. Obviously pay the bill first, but definitely trash it once it's paid (if possible change all of your bills to go to your email, this will save you from so many paper piles).

If you have papers that you know you need to hang onto for a couple of weeks or so, but they don't need to permanently be filed, then put them in a single sheet protector and store them somewhere that is easily accessible to you and where you won't forget about them. Sheet protectors don't take up a ton of space and since they are clear you are less likely to forget about what is inside. A simple, super cheap system that works like a charm!

Step Four: Put Clothes Away Promptly That You Are No Longer Wearing:

This one may seem like a no brainer, but honestly it's a key step that I think a lot of people skip over because they are so busy or in such a hurry. If you are in a hurry four days in a row, four outfit changes a morning, then piles of clothing can quickly escalate and get out of control. When we look around our rooms and see piles of clothes our minds automatically get overwhelmed and our desire to clean may decrease extremely fast. So skip the piles and follow the, "if you take it out, then you put it away" rule from now on. You will be shocked how much time this will save you in the long run!

Step Five: Commit To A Nightly Tidy

Every night we do a quick sweep of the house and tidy up. Our bedrooms are no exception, because I fully believe that you are much more likely to be able to relax and get a good nights sleep in a clean room. Clutter and chaos spark anxiety and overwhelm, so aint nobody falling asleep peacefully in a crazy dirty room!

A tidy is simple. Just pick up everything from off of the floor, make sure there are no piles on your nightstand and/or dresser, and double check the closet for lose clothing or wandering shoes. Your tidy generally should take no longer then ten minutes! If you are doing this every night it is a lot easier to stay on top of I promise!

I hope you found something to help motivate you to clean and maintain your room today! clean room is a happy room. You can do it! Happy cleaning friends! Let us know if there is anything we missed and/or need to add to the list. Thanks so much for following along. You guys are the best!


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