Five Benefits of Clean Sheets

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Clean sheets are becoming what seems a lost art. And that worries us to the core. Not washing your sheets is really gross and actually extremely unhealthy. There are so many benefits to having clean sheets! Which brings us to today's blog post... Let's go over all of the benefits of cleaning your sheets.


1. Let's start with the most dramatic to really get this party started... Dust Mites! They can literally be in your sheets if you don't wash them. And guess what dust mites do? They feed off of your dead skin cells. Need I say more? So the obvious number one benefit is, you reduce the risk and possibility of dust mites!

2. Bed sheets can contain serious amounts of hidden bacteria. Bacteria could be from sweat, body creams, outside dirt, etc... When you wash your sheets you say, "bye bye bacteria."

3. Reduce the risk of asthma and allergies that can be caused by dust mites.

4. There have been studies done that prove that you sleep better in clean sheets.

5. Less zits! If you have a dirty pillowcase the dirt on the sheet can actually clog your pores. Nobody wants more zits or clogged pores, so i think that this one is pretty much a no-brainer.

Our real hope is that this blog post has you running to your bedroom to rip the sheets off and get them in the washer HA but really.... clean your sheets regularly guys! Your health, your skin, your home, and your family will thank you. It's a chore that too often gets overlooked and we are really hoping to start a movement to get that changed! Happy washing guys!

Our Sheets of Choice: Both are freakishly cozy and under $50!

Bamboo Sheets






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