Six Cleaning Hacks that Will Simplify Your Life

There are not many things that make us happier then a good cleaning hack! Today we have joined forces with one of our favorite gals, Kenzie Dew, from @thebarnwoodfarmhouse to share with you six of our very favorite hacks. We hope that you can learn something new and can apply at least one of these tips to your cleaning routine! Good luck and happy cleaning friends.

Our Favorites:

Keep Your Toilets Clean with This One Easy Step

The number one question we get asked is how we get the toilets sparkling clean. We have a step by step process on our Instagram page @carecleaning and on our blog, but we always say that the best way to a clean house is prevention. You want to prevent your home from getting so dirty that you have zero desire to clean it and are feeling completely overwhelmed. So here is a little "hack" to prevent your toilet from getting dirty.

1. Purchase a box of 20 Mule Team Borax.

2. Sprinkle a little bit in your toilet bowl every night before you go to bed.

3. When you wake up in the morning give it a little scrub with your toilet scrubber and flush!

THAT'S IT! Literally cleaning while you sleep. Is there anything else that you could ask for in this life?

Easiest Way to Sanitize Your Smelly Drain

Nobody likes a stinky drain, but everybody has one at some point in their life. We are here to change your life and share the EASIEST solution for a smelly drain, ever! Here are the steps:

1. Buy three or four fresh lemons and some distilled white vinegar next time you are at the store.

2. Cut a lemon into small slices (or cubes)

2. Place the lemon pieces into an ice tray. One piece per section.

3. Fill each ice slot with distilled white vinegar.

4. Freeze the cubes over night.

5. Once the cubes are frozen you can place three to four of them down your drain.

6. Run water and turn on your garbage disposal.

Wa-la! That's it! Mission accomplished and you officially have a nice smelling drain. Can you believe how easy that was? Yeah us either!

Remove Hard Water Stains with Lemons

Some say that diamonds are a girls' best friend, but in regards to cleaning, we have found that lemons are also a girls' best friend. They are literal magic when it comes to removing hard water stains. So here's our last and final tip...It may just be the EASIEST one of all. If you haven't caught on yet, we really like to hop on the easy train any chance that we get...

1. Again, purchase a lemon next time you are at the store.

2. Cut the lemon in half.

3. Rub your shower glass (all over) with the lemon while squeezing the juices out as you rub in circular motions. You can also rub your faucets and any other chrome in your shower with any leftover lemon you have.

Pro Tip: If you do this process mixed with our favorite homemade shower spray it will literally work wonders on your hard water spots! Try it out and let us know what you think!

4. Wipe clean with a microfiber cloth or two (or three, or four).

Step back and admire your ridiculously clean shower that you can now eat dinner in! Kidding, but kind of not... You will be amazed at how clean your shower is and so will your family!

Kenzie's Favorites:

Dirty Microwave Fix

Microwaves... We all have one and we all know it can get nasty! Mine usually ends up with an exploded or popped hot dog or corn dog at least once a month. Grease stains. Food crumbs. You name it. My favorite way to clean it is to;

1. Grab a microwave safe bowl, and add half water and half vinegar (probably a half a cup each is fine).

2. Turn on your microwave for a couple of minutes. Let it sit for a few minutes (I do this while I’m cleaning something else and come back to it). And then wipe it down with some paper towels. The nasty gunk will come off like magic! 

Getting Rid of Coloring Marks on Areas That Are Not Paper

Do you have some artsy kiddos like mine who end up coloring on something besides paper? Like your walls, or countertops? Take a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser - (tip: rip off a piece each time instead of using the whole square). Get it damp and watch the beautiful little pieces of art magically disappear. And then just encourage them to use paper next time so we can keep it forever!

Easy Way to Dust Vents and Fans

This is a random hack that may or may not be needed. But it helps! There are a couple places in my home I can’t seem to dust or clean good enough. And that is usually my cold air return vents and those pesky ceiling bathroom exhaust fans. The key- canned air duster! Fast and easy and doesn’t cost much either. 

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