Kitchen Organization Tips & Must Haves Products

Being organized is a must, especially in the kitchen! It can also be very overwhelming. Especially if you have a small kitchen or a lot of kitchen products. I mean really there are a lot of things that you have to have in order to run a functional kitchen. We try to stick to these simple rules when organizing a kitchen

1. Less is more... If you haven't used it in the last three months, the chances are that you may never use it again.

2. Utilize ALL of your space. Fill all the white space, find containers that allow you to fit more into small, or hard to use spaces.

3. Keep like items together. All of your mixing bowls need to be in the same place. All of your spices need to be together. Pans... together. Are you catching the drift? Keep them together! This will help you to see how much you have and probably prevent you from buying excess stuff that you really don't need!

4. Keep it practical. If it's not practical for you to pour your cereal into a container every time that you buy it then don't waste your money on cereal containers. You can still be organized if your cereal is in it's original box.

5. Do remove as much from boxes as possible. I know this is a little contradicting from our last tip, but while keeping it practical, remember that a lot of time boxes take up more space then needed and make it hard for us to fit things where we need them to go.

Think about your options, stay within your budget and have fun organizing your kitchen! If you need help knowing what containers to purchase, here are a few of our favorite organization products to use in the kitchen.


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